Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mars Hill

Mark Driscoll. What do you think about him? I follow his blog and periodically watch his messages online and think he's got some good stuff to say.

One of my favorite things about Mark are some of his ideas about masculinity. Along with John Eldridge, Mark is one of my favorite pastor/authors out there addressing the idea of real men following Jesus.

Mark and his church were recently featured on Nightline. I thought it was good enough to pass along. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prayer Request!!!!

Please pray for a close youth pastor friend named Bryan Dehart.
For the last 8 weeks a student named Miguel has been attending his youth ministry. Last Wednesday Miguel got saved. This Wednesday Miguel dropped dead in his yard from a unknown tumor on his brain. Dehart had spent the last eight weeks picking Miguel up for church every week, needless to say this is a horrible loss. Please pray for Dehart, The 3:18 Youth, and the rest of the New Covenant Church.

Just a little reminder how fragile we and our students are...

Fight the good fight!!!
Love you guys!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Blog Overload

ChurchRelevance posted a list of the Top 60 Church Blogs. I know some of us have talked before about sharing resources and i think this is a huge wealth of info. Theres no way you can soak all of these up, but take a few minutes and see if you can find anything good.

Some of my favorites...
Church Marketing Sucks
Stuff Christians Like

What are you reading?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ray Boltz

I don't know if anyone else has heard the news about Ray Boltz going public about his homosexual pull and lifestyle; if not here is a brief by CT which contains the link to the interview he had with The Washington Blade? I would love to hear your thoughts especially in regards to how the church has been and should be dealing with those whom struggle with homosexuality. Living in the 'real world' now, I have met, become friends with, and been hit on by homosexual men, so your thoughts are much appreciated as I seek wisdom on how to love and witness to people with such a confusing struggle. Thanks