Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mass Confusion SHALL NEVER DIE!

On behalf of Mass Confusion I would like to interject as a life long fan, these vicious comments displayed on the video are poor descriptions of such talent. The band is brilliant and has brought much spiritual peace to my soul and many others. As many of us know the three "rockers" who make up Mass Confusion: Tom I have a butt chin Chamberlin Jr. (vox), Dan ...I gave myself an enema by myself...Van Dyne (lead guitarist), and Joel you like Kara, "no I don't" yes you do, "shut-up guys"...(stomp, stomp, stomp) slam the door to Sawyer House Stone (drummer) have parted ways, but their "fine" music has brought them back. They are currently working on their second album titled, Why the Hell Did We Call This Band Mass Confusion? EP, which will hit the stores October 34st 2009. Due to the great amount of pre-orders already...12, the band will only be releasing the CD in select stores: 7 Elevens, IWU bookstore (thanks Joel), Franks "We buy any old, boring, CD for 1/2 price and re-sale for 1/4 of the price" bargain barn, can purchase them on the IWU Choral tour next summer (thanks Dan), and Starbucks @ Aspen Grove located in Littleton Colorado (thanks Tom). This CD is hot and will go quick. The new hit single, "It was definitely a Friday night" is topping the charts. With all of this said I would appreciate your apologies and respect for the entire band as they have proved themselves to be one of the best bands to ever live. This is for you Mass Confusion! Live On!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

mass confusion

Below you'll find a video of Becky and I (& Joe Vitiello) making strawberry jam from some berries she got at a local u-pick place. I made an interesting impromptu comment, re: that one-hit wonder band led by our own Thomas Chamberlin. I thought it was worth sharing ... (no offense Tom)

Monday, June 2, 2008

MISSING a student!!!!!

Last night started really well! We had a great service. The students were engaged and I had several of them tell me that they really "got it" tonight. So that was very encouraging :)

But that's were the night went south.

At about 7:15 someone asks, "Where is Grant at?"
I responded with the casual, "I don't know, try outside."

About 2o minutes later the student informs me that they have looked outside, in both buildings, in all the bathrooms, and Grant is nowhere to be found.

At this point I am mildly conserned. So the student and I go on a hunt for Grant.

20 more minutes pass by and we still cannot find Grant. We had looked everywhere!!! I was so consecnerd that we even tried to get a hold of his parents to see if they had pick him up (Grant always rides home with Justin).

Almost an hour has passed by now and all of a sudden Grant walks out of our other building which has wireless internet.

Why does wireless internet matter? I'm glad you asked...

Grant had just spent the last HOUR, taking a crap, playing his PSP on the wireless internet in the other building....LOL

Needless to say, I'm glad I still have my job and I'm thankful for that.

So next time you can't find one of your student check the stall, because they are probably taking a dump, playing their PSP on your wireless!!!