Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yo. Check out this quote...

"last night didn’t go so well. i think….

but i feel that way about nearly each and every week. some weeks, i think my time with jr. high or high school students was wonderful and a “home run” kinda week. but most weeks, i think it just isn’t working. i feel like there is gap between what’s in my head and what I’m communicating. most weeks i feel totally inadequate. I’m not sure that i made sense or that the students connected with anything i said."

How about that? Sound familiar?

Check out the rest here...

I find myself resounding with the above quote way too often, feeling inadequate and less than effective in the lives of our students. I hope all of us can find encouragement in the last part of that post, the quote by Yaconelli...

"“God isn’t calling you to be success. God’s calling you to be faithful."

So be as faithful as you can be, no matter how unsuccessful you might feel.


Zach said...

Great post Mark!
So often we get wrapped up in the game of "Youth Ministry." Awesome quote and reminder!

Tom and Jen said...

Buwalda, I appreciate your authenticity, which revealed your desire to spiritually grow. I personally was reminded again to never stop striving to become more like Christ by trying to achieve the achievements like or as (of) those we model as 'spiritual leaders.' Twofold, this perception directs one from the cross and onto 'worldly human' success (defined by our culture). Christians have been convinced on how the Christian life is to be lived out by the 'false truths' of postmodernity. Success is no longer expanding the Kingdom of God on earth, yet rather how to become more popular; accomplished by agreeing with postmodernity. Secondly, it leads one off the path God has for them. It is easy to try to take the same path our 'spiritual leaders' take, but the reality is that it is not the will of God. All-in-all Mark you have gifts and abilities that succeed bell’s, chan’s, fields, and compolo’s because they have been specifically given to you to use in accordance to the call God has on your life. Once again thanks for the post, it was Spirit anointed.