I recently read a quote by Gary Haugen. He posed the question, "Are Jesus and I interested in the same things?" Thinking about that I took it a step further and thought, "Are Jesus and I interested in the same people?" Looking at the people I interact with daily makes me wonder if I'm intentionally interacting with the people Christ would be seeking out were he here in the flesh. I don't think I am. Actually just two days ago we had to stop in Gary, Indiana on the way home from a Cubs game. And I got uncomfortable at the gas station. Just because of the conditions and the people around me, I'm embarrassed to say. Overwhelmed with insecurity and fear, not love and compassion.
I've been coming to the realization that our good news is a social gospel, impossible to practice without the personal interaction of the least, the last and the lost. Looking at the past 14 months of ministry here I think I've done a good job of leading our students in their personal walks with Christ, guiding them in the discipleship process. However, I'm afraid I may have placed too much emphasis on personal growth and not enough on loving outwardly. It's a struggle.
Above is a picture I found on another favorite blog, The Plow. Maybe just a little reminder of the large scope of who Christ came to save.
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