Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Series Planning

I'm spending a chunk of this week brainstorming and planning our 707 gatherings (our main programming time) for the rest of the school year and into early summer. Today I'm in the brainstorming process, taking down any and all ideas, thoughts and possible themes. I'm curious if any of you have had success with any specific themes, focuses (foci?), topics or sermon series. I'd love to hear your ideas. I'll post some of my brainstorming as well as the process going along.

UPDATE: I wanted to go ahead and throw out some of what I've been thinking about. Comments, additions, thoughts all welcome.

Topic: "Religion Sucks."
a. Busyness (why waste time with religion?)
b. In-authenticity (based on book Messy Spirituality, why hide our human side? Masks.)
c. Breaking the Stereotype (Christian or Christ follower? We're often seen as narrow minded, rule loving, hypocrites. Lets shake things up a bit)

Topic: "Apologetics"
a. Why Apologize?
b. Does God Exist?
c. Problem of Evil
d. Reliability of the Bible

Topic: "Other World Religions"
-under construction

Topic: "Unlikely Heroes"
-Lesser known OT characters. Under construction

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