Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lots of Change and Lots of Learning

Not having posted in a few weeks, a lot has been going on here at Covenant. Some fun things, some not so fun. I'll begin with the latter.

Our Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) made a recommendation to our Methodist hierarchy (District Superintendent and Bishop) that our church seek new leadership for the coming year. This essentially means that they want a new pastor. Following the UM tradition (i suppose), we as a church have given authority to our SPRC and place our trust in their leadership, and that being the case, can't validly question the leadership they then provide.

It's tough though. Our attendance is up. Many church programs are gaining in momentum as new and old members are taking ownership of them. Things really seem to be going very well here. And then "we" request new leadership. I know there are things going on in the background of church politics, but this is really a test for me, and for much of our staff and congregation.

All that to say I am recognizing this as a learning experience. While its really sad to have to see a great pastor/leader/mentor/friend go, I'll get to see first hand how a "changing of the guard" goes down in a church setting. It will be different working for a new pastor, just as I was really feeling that my relationship with our current pastor really couldn't have been more supportive or encouraging. I would like to ask for your prayers for our church, for the congregation, for Steve (the current pastor) and for the new pastor that will be announced very soon. It's a tough situation but I have to believe that just because we as humans make certain decisions God would let us go from his grasp. He's still got us and I know He'll take us to wherever we need to go next.

Alright, now a few quick fun things.
1) We bought a new sub woofer for our youth praise band/sound system. 800 watts and wow does it fill out our room. We only had to mains previously and after listening to the band last night with full sound, its hard to believe we ever went w/out it.
2) We're having a Lenten Brunch and Easter Basket Auction this coming Sunday. This a youth sponsored event where we are in charge of the brunch all morning, and then there is a silent auction for some amazing Easter baskets that people in the congregation put together and donated. All money going to our sr. high mission trip in July. I'm psyched.


Zach said...

I'm sorry to hear things aren't going as you would have hoped. I have nothing profound to say. You already know what you must do, continue to trust in God's sovereign will!
Continue to learn and love your guts out!!!

Love ya and praying for you both,

::athada:: said...

You'll learn a lot from this transition - great for your experience I will expect. My boss also left (of his own accord, for another job) so I'm working through some similar thingles.